Excerpts from her interview.
On regrets divorcing her first husband, late Robert Kardashian
"I had a wonderful, beautiful life with Robert. He was just an amazing man," she explains, adding that as she went through the Bruce/Caitlyn thing, she wished she could call him, to have a solid shoulder to lean, or maybe, cry on. "I always wish I could call Robert right now. That's an everyday thing."Does she ever have any privacy, any real time when her entire life is a reality show. And what does it feel like to always be a target/critised harshly?"Here's the thing, We have literally millions and millions of fans. I mean, even Kendall and Kylie have 50 million followers on Instagram—apiece. That's a hundred million people you have somehow touched emotionally, enough to follow you on a social-media platform. And I think with that also comes, you know, haters. But in comparison, like I tell my family, they're such a small percentage. We wouldn't be around for 12 seasons as a television show if there was that much negativity."On what it's like when you discover your ex-husband is a woman?"I think at some point, although it was difficult and, uh, a challenge … I just have to let it go. And try to be tolerant. How? "Prayer. God. You know, just trying to understand. It takes time. But time is a wonderful healer. And we have two children together. It's important for my kids to see our family strong and united."On her perception of herself, as a woman - did she doubt herself, her own femininity?
"No, I never. Thank God, I never doubted myself. I never really doubted my femininity. I just doubted the relationship. You know, 'What were those 20-plus years all about?' And I felt like, at some point anybody would feel like, 'Wow, why was I put through this? For 20 years I could have been, you know, doing something else.' But I really do believe everything happens for a reason."
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